OT Megan Landreth of ActiveKidzs & Adult Therapy is training independent skills for kids with Cerebral Palsy and Pediatric Stroke

EazyHold has become my favorite and highest recommended adaptive equipment in pediatric outpatient OT. I love that the handle is made of silicone so I don’t have to worry about common allergens, and that it is dishwasher safe! This has been a very important factor to the families that I recommend this product to.

The EazyHold is essentially a universal cuff that can fit any object thanks to its flexible design. It can stretch to fit a large handle, but when taken off immediately returns to its original size. I am so grateful to have come across EazyHold as it is so versatile in its use and durability.

As an OT one of the goals that I commonly have for my more complex patients is that they become more active in their ability to play. You may think that is such an easy goal, however that “simple” goal can dramatically increase a child’s quality of life. When I place the EazyHold onto the handle of a musical instrument (xylophone, maraca, etc) and place the child’s hand into the handle, they have the ability to play the instrument, where without the EazyHold they would not have the ability to hold the handle.

Another use that I have found for the EazyHold is for post stroke patients. This has allowed one of my patients to gain back the ability to button up a shirt using the EazyHold on top of a built-up handle button hook. The EazyHold allows her to manipulate the button hook without concern of her grip strength.

In conclusion, I highly recommend this product to increase patient’s independence in play and daily living skills in general. This product has changed the lives and quality of life for many of my patients and gives hope and joy to their families as well.  I highly recommend purchasing more than one so that you are not constantly taking it off and putting it on something else. Trust me, you will want them all!

Learn more at http://activekidztherapy.com/



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