The Importance of Adaptive Cycling

In an article from AT Today, The case for adaptive cycling – Why it should be considered essential medical equipment, Sarah Sarsby explores the benefits of riding a bike and why it is so important to increase accessibility to adaptive cycling for those with disabilities.

Sarsby emphasizes that not only is cycling fun, but it creates opportunities for independence, exploration, sporting achievement, and social interaction. Cycling therapy has been shown to improve muscle strength, balance, and motor function in those with cerebral palsy.

Furthermore, a systematic review suggests that adaptive cycling may improve cognition in children with intellectual disabilities. Because cycling is similar to walking in muscle usage and coordination, adaptive cycles could be considered gait training devices.

Cycling rates are low among children with disabilities. Sarsby suggests that societal barriers such as lack of funding for adaptive bicycles and limited school facilities are standing in the way of this potentially game-changing activity.

AT Today took guidance from the UK’s chief medical officers as well as exercises recommended for children with cerebral palsy, and tested including adaptive tricycles in therapy programs at a specialist school. Over six weeks, one child reduced his resting heart rate by 6 bpm and improved his gait pattern, and the other went from being unable to propel himself on the trike to being able to push off, pedal, and turn independently.

Read the full article from AT Today here.

For children with cerebral palsy and other disabilities that affect motor function, adaptive bikes and even regular bikes can be made even more supportive by putting EaZyHold on the handlebars for extra help holding on and steering.

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